Gluten Free

What is gluten?

Gluten is a protein which is contained within wheat. There are also very similar proteins which are found in rye, barley, oats and rice.



Why go gluten free?

We are seeing a growing number of customers requesting gluten free foods as a result of gluten intolerances. Gluten in food can cause a variety of problems. Common ones are stomach upsets and/or loose stools, itchy skin and/or ear infections. In the vast majority of cases removing the gluten from the diet can completely remove any of the issues caused by a gluten intolerance.


Types of gluten?

Wheat gluten is the most common form of gluten and is often the type which causes problems. Many of the foods available are wheat gluten free and for the majority of cases removing the wheat in a pets diet can remove the issues associated with gluten intolerance. If this does not help your pet, try going to a completely grain free food and this can help eliminate any chance that the issue is caused by the gluten in your pets diet.



Grain Free

Grain free foods remove all types of grains from their recipes and therefore remove any chance of a gluten reaction with a pet. Our own label grain free has a higher meat content than most commercialised pet foods

Hawthorn Select and Premium Grain Free

We have a 'Select@ Grain Free Range, a 'Premium' Grain Free Range and a 'Super Food' Grain Free Range. All are different and contain different meat contents, proteins etc. Ask us for more details.

Hawthorn Select and Super Premium

We have a 'Select' Wheat Free Range and a Super Premium Range which has wheat free recipes. Ask us for more details.